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Animals that live in ocean trenches are quite diverse. They range from bacteria and microorganisms to fish, jellyfish, crabs, lobsters, and octopi. More specifically, tubeworms and deep-sea angler fish are two examples.

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15y ago
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12y ago

There is not much light in the trenches, therefore not many things could actually live there. But things do live there. These things range from micro-organisms to huge fish. Some of sciences greatest marine finds have been found in the trenches. Most things that live in this region of the ocean have no color in them. So you'll find crabs, tiny shrimp, fish, eels, sting rays, etc... Stuff like that. Hope I helped. (=

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spider man,super man, and aqua man

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Aditya Shyam

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wrong answer monkey

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I dhnbhdrtfghngtfb

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