

What kind of bears live in a cold temperature?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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polar beers

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Q: What kind of bears live in a cold temperature?
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What bears live in Antarctica?

No bears or land animals of any kind live on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

Identify how is temperature a limiting factor for polar bears?

Polar Bears are accustomed to the cold weather. If temperatures increase and become to high, they might not be able to survive. The live on the ice and some polar bears do not know how to swim. If the ice melts, there would be no where for them to live.They need to rely on cold weather to live. They really need 0 temperature.They can walk in ice, and they can't move without Ice. Polar bears need to live in really cold temperature.

What is the temperature were the polar bears live?

Where the polar bears live is very cold the temperature is -70 in the cold months and -35 in warm months. 1

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mostly cold

What environment do panda bears live on?

Panda bears live in the Western Szechwan province of China. The panda bear lives in a sunny, windy, and mild (not hot, but not cold) temperature.

Can you give me an examples about an animals live in the low temperature?

Animals that are cold blooded. Polar Bears, Penguins and some seals

Animals that live in low temperature?

Some animals that live in cold temperatures are penguins, polar bears, some seals. All animals that live in the Arctic.

Do polar bears help us in a kind of way?

yes they are kindbeautiful and gentle animals that live in cold climates

Why do polar bears live in Antarctica?

Most bears live in the northern hemisphere, and evolution has made it so polar bears are adapted for weather in the North Pole, so they would not have left the area to migrate south.cause it is to cold for them

Why do polar bears live in the cold?

because they have fur that will not fit in the savanna, rainforest's, or other places but the arctic.Also that is where they evolved so over the evolution process their bodies adapted to the harsh conditions of the ArcticPolar Bears live in the arctic cause they need a cold place to herd, breed, and den.

Do polar bears live in warm or cold?

very cold