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It displays a learned behavior.

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Q: What kind of behavior is a parrot showing when it says its own name?
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What is the name of the Amazon parrot?

That depends on what kind of Amazon parrot you have.

Name the south Island native NZ parrot that has a reputation for its destructive behavior?

The Kea

You have 1 parrot which started giving eggs and a baby parrot came out so what shall you keep the name of the baby parrot?

It depends on the mothers name you could make it rhyme or kind of sound like it.

What is the Scientific name of the flightless Kakapo Parrot that is native to New Zealand?

The scientific name of the flightless Kakapo parrot native to New Zealand is Strigops habroptilus. It is a critically endangered species known for its unique behavior and appearance.

What is the other name of parrot in Tamil?

The other name for parrot in Tamil is "கிளி" (Kili).

What is the birth name of Kim Parrot?

Kim Parrot's birth name is Kim Nicholas Nol Parrot.

Is Amazon parrot a parrot?

Yes, Amazon parrot is the common name for a parrot of the genus Amazona.

What is the birth name of Parrot?

Parrot's birth name is Willie O'Hara.

What was the name of James Madison's parrot?

His biography doesn't tell us he had a parrot or that he bought one.

What was the name of Mary Poppins's parrot?

Mary Poppins did not have a parrot, but the handle of her umbrella was parrot-shaped, and it did talk. It did not have a name.

What is the name of fictional character Dr Doolittle's parrot?

The parrot's name in Dr. Doolittle is Polynesia.

What was the name of the parrot liza had?

Sherlock Holmes is Liza k Poole's parrot name