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Q: What kind of body build do koalas have?
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What do koalas make?

Koalas do not build nests or live in a burrow

do koalas build dens?


What kind of animal are koalas?

Koalas are marsupials.

Do koalas build their own homes?


What kind of bears are koalas?

Koalas are not bears at all.

What is the koalas exclusive item on build a bear ville?

Koalas get a Eucalyptus plant for your house.

Do koalas build shelter?

No, koalas do not build shelter. They shelter in eucalyptus trees, resting in the forks of trees or on branches, but they neither build shelters nor do they use hollows or other forms of shelter.

Why are koalas made and shaped the way they are to do with were they live?

because the body needs to be in different because they need different kind of habitate

What kind of symmetry do kangaroo have?

Koalas have bilateral symmetry, as all vertebrates do.

Why do koalas eat kangaroo meat?

Koalas do not eat any kind of meat. Koalas are herbivores, feeding almost exclusively on eucalyptus leaves.

Why are koalas made how they are to live in were they do?

Koalas have adapted to changes in their environment as people build close to them, their colonies are getting smaller and more isolated.

What are koalas' homes made out of?

Koalas live in eucalyptus trees in eastern Australia. They do not build nests, or live in tree hollows. Instead, they nestle comfortably on tree branches, in the forks.