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The kind of bug that looks like a grasshopper and a praying mantis combination, is a cricket. In fact crickets are sometimes mistaken for grasshoppers because they look so similar.

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11y ago

sounds like a mole cricket or Jerusalem cricket

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praying mantis

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an earwig.

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Q: What kind of bug looks like a grasshopper and has a grasshopper body with extra legs and is it harmful?
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Related questions

How is a grasshopper's body supported?

The grasshopper has an exoskeleton to support it's body. The exoskeleton, which is comprised of chitin, also helps protect the grasshopper.

How many body division of grasshopper have?

Grasshopper have 3 body division, they are head, thorax, and abdomen.

How many hearts does a grasshopper have?

A grasshopper has one heart

How do determine the sex of a grasshopper?

# Find and catch a grasshopper. # Pinch the grasshopper and turn it upside down. # At the very end of the body, females have an appendage that looks like mini-pincers. Those aren't for pinching, they are for laying eggs. # Wash your hands.

A water bug that looks like a type of grasshopper?

More than likely what you are describing sounds like the larval stage of a dragonfly. When they are young, they look like a grasshopper body. They grow longer and thinner as they grow older and leave the water.

What kind of Grasshopper has a black body and orange stripes?

Eastern Lubber Grasshopper.

How does grasshopper protect its body?

Like all arthropods, the grasshopper is protected by a chitinous exoskeleton.

What is the support system of grasshopper?

A grasshopper has an exoskeleton, meaning having its skeleton outside the body.

How many body parts does a grasshopper have?

A baby grasshopper has six legs, the same as a grasshopper.

Do grasshoppers have skeletons?

A grasshopper has an exoskeleton, the hard shell on the outside of its body.

In a grasshopper all the body tissues are bathed in blood that is in the?

In a grasshopper, all the body tissue are bathed in blood that's in the hemocoel. The hemocoel is the main body cavity of the majority of invertebrates.

How many heart chambers in a grasshopper?

The grasshopper has an open circulatory system which consists of 7 tubular hearts, which are actually valved chambers. These chambers circulate haemolymph, which is the body fluid in a grasshopper's body cavities and appendages.