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yes they find stuff they blend in with and hide.

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Q: What kind of camouflage do brown bears have to protect them from hunters?
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How long do spirit bears live?

Spirit bears are a slight variation of brown bears. They're white due to a mutation that changes their pigmentation. They basically have the same Life expectancy of regular Brown bears. Or possibly a tad less due to their poorer camouflage.

How did brown bears become endangered?

they were hunted and killed by hunters thinking they were black bears. humans cut down their trees and destoryedtheir habitat

Do black bears camouflage?

Bears camouflage by being similar colors to their environments. Polar bears are white because they live in a white environment. Brown bears are brown because they live in the woods.

How do bobcats obtain prey?

Bobcats have a brown skin coat that helps it merge or camouflage into its surroundings which involves forests and bushes. The markings on their screen further helps their camouflage. They are ambush hunters that feed on small prey and this camouflage is extremely important for its survival.

Why are brown bears indangered?

Existing in a number of races, the brown bear is widespread across North America, Asia, and Europe. With a total worldwide population of over 200,000, it is not considered an endangered species.

Why aren't polar bears brown?

Polar bears have evolved a white coloration over time as it aacted as a sort of camouflage. It allows them to blend in with the snow, making it difficult for theyr prey to see them.

Why do camels have light brown fur?

Their fur is a similar colour to the desert sands and acts as camouflage to protect them from predators.

Are there black and brown bears in Pennsylvania?

There are black bears, but no brown bears there.

Is another name for a brown bear a grizzley bear?

No. Grizzly bears are a subspecies of Brown bears, so that although all Grizzly bears are Brown bears not all Brown bears are Grizzly bears.

Why are the brown bears endagerd?

the brown bears are endangerd because they are brown

Can black bears be brown?

Brown bears can be brown, black or white!

What do brown bears do to get food?

brown bears get their food by claws and teeth