

What kind of cheese does mice like best?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Any cheese but swiss and cheddar they LOVE!

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Q: What kind of cheese does mice like best?
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What types of cheese do mice like to eat?

Mice don't have to eat cheese. But if you really really want to give it one, choose something where isn't much salt. Pepper is totally taboo! ;( I have a rat and sometimes I give him cottage cheese, it's the best choice! :)

What kind of cheese do mice eat?

No, not unless it is on a mousetrap that kills the mouse.Most mice are attracted to it as food, but not to the point that folklore suggests.Too much cheese of some types could cause digestive problems, but that would require a steady diet of mostly cheese and nothing else. Most mice would not consume that much cheese.

How are mice and rats different?

mice like cheese. rats dont.

What do mice like most?

probly cheese

What cheese to mice like the most?

they like peanut butter not cheese cartoons just use cheese for comedy

What do mice like and eat?

Cheese . :d <3

What type if cheese do mice like?

The smellier the better.

Facts about wild and demesticated mice?

Domesticated mice like cheese. I know this for a fact because my mice eat cheese all the time. Mice are a little skiddish sometimes but the more they are handled the more friendly they get.

What do mice like except cheese?

Mice eat: grains, berries, nuts, and small bugs.

What is the best cheese to put in a mousetrap?

None. Mice actually go for peanut butter better than cheese!

What kind of bug does the mouse eat?

Mice are not carnivores. They eat plants - and sometimes cheese <g>

Why do mice get sick when they eat cheese?

mice get sick sick because their digestive system is made to handle plant kinda of stuff not dairy stuff its best not to give them cheese after all