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Arian Christians

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Q: What kind of christians was many germanic tribes?
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Who spoke Germanic?

Germanic languages were spoken by ancient Germanic tribes and later evolved into modern German, English, Dutch, and other languages. Some famous Germanic-speaking figures include the Anglo-Saxon warriors who invaded England, Charlemagne of the Franks, and the Gothic tribes in Eastern Europe.

Who constantly attacked rome to cause it to fall?

Many Germanic tribes the three main are the Goths, Vandals, and Huns

How did the Germantic tribes damage the Roman empire?

At times during the Roman empire the Germanic tribes within the empire's borders or outside of them, attacked Roman legions or guardposts. Some became part of the Roman military as auxiliaries. Some were trained by the Romans and then used that training against Rome. Finally at the end of the empire the Germanic tribes were some of many barbarians that settled within the old Roman borders. Rome was in the end unable to defeat Germanic tribes in war.

Who were the first people to speak German?

The first people to speak a form of German were the early Germanic tribes in the region of present-day Germany and surrounding areas. The language evolved over time and developed into what is now known as German.

Why did so many Germanic tribes being invading the Roman Empire?

Because, well when the Romans intered the empire at 300ad they did not know about the "Almighty God" named Sponge Bob he was one of the greatist wariors that ever lived R.I.P

Why did Germanic's tribes invade the roman empire?

The Germanic peoples who invaded the western part of the Roman Empire where migrating peoples who were looking for new lands to settle in because of a population squeeze in central Europe. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions.

Did paganism survive the adoption of chistianity?

what happened was christians forced many germanic & pagan peoples to convert or die & many indiginous peoples maintained independance.

Why did so many gerrmanic tribes begin invading the roman empire?

The Germanic tribes began encroaching and invading the Roman empire because they, in turn, were being pushed out of their traditional lands by the invading Huns from Mongolia.

Which Frankish king united many Germanic tribes and founded a Christian empire in the central Europe?

Clovis. Son of Childeric I. He also defeated Gaul.

Why did so many Germanic tribes begin invading the roman empires?

I'm going to stock you ima go get you and your family hahaha :) <3 byeezzz

What kind of clothes do Christians wear?

christians wear and eat the same thing canadians and Americans do and many more.

Why was the Roman Empire open to invasion from Germanic tribes in the 5th century?

Rome had too many haters near that could attack. Also, by the time of the Germanic invasions, the Roman army had sunk to a weakened state and there was not strong leadership, either militarily or politically.