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participial phrase

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Q: What kind of clause or phrase is Skulking out of the meeting?
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What kind of clause is After the butter has melted?

Prepositional phrase.

What kind of clause is as soon as the store clerk arrive?

The phrase "as soon as the store clerk arrived" is a dependent adverb clause, specifically a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb to modify the main clause.

What kind of clause is the words After the grill is hot?

The phrase "After the grill is hot" is an adverb clause, specifically a subordinating adverb clause. It provides information about when an action takes place in relation to another action.

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What kind of clause is than jogging?

what kind of clause is than jogging

How is the clause changed here 1 Since she knew what the lecture was about she didn't attend the meeting. 2 Knowing what the lecture was about she didn't attend the meeting?

"Since she knew what the lecture was about" in the first sentence is replaced by the participle phrase "Knowing what the lecture was about" in the second sentence."Knowing" is the present participle of the verb "to know". Here it works like an adjective describing "she". She was a "knowing" woman. She was a "knowing-what-the-lecture-was-about" kind of woman.

What kind of clause is whenever he has time?

adverb clause

What kind of sentence contains one independent clause or more than one dependent clause?

the compound clause and the complex clause

What kind of clause contains a subject and a predicate?

It can be an independent clause or a dependent clause. It is an independent clause if does not have a word at the beginning like "but" or "because". If there is a word like this at the beginning of the clause, it is a dependent clause.

What kind of clause is your uncle is the one who bought me a puppy for my birthday?

noun clause

Is the word you an adjective clause?

"You" is not an adjective clause, or any other kind of clause, because it is a single word. "You" is a pronoun.

What kind of phrase is if you save your money?

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