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They can live in any climate

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Q: What kind of climate do Siberian tigers live in?
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What kind of habitat do Siberian tigers live in?

Siberian tiger's name kind of gives it away, but, Siberia is a very cold place in Russia. So Siberian tigers live in the extremely cold climate in Russian & its called siberia

Do Siberian tigers live in grasslands?

Yes Siberian Tigers do live in grassland

Where do Siberian tigers get their name?

They are called Siberian Tigers because they live in Siberia.

What type of climate does the Siberian Tiger live in?

The Siberian tiger lives in the Taiga forests of Russia

What is the type of home of the Siberian tigers?

Siberian tigers live mainly in the birch forests of eastern Russia.

What kind of climate should a siberian husky live in?

Preferably one that doesn't get too hot.

A map of were Siberian tigers live?

White Siberian tigers do not exist, the only white tigers are Bengal tigers and those are only found in zoos.

What is habitat encroachment to Siberian Tigers?

Siberian Tigers live in Amur-Ussur of Siberia, Russia. They live on taiga and mountain conifer forests.

Where doSiberian or amur tigers live?

Siberian tigers live in... Siberia, which is a part of Russia.

Do Siberian tigers live in a forest?


Why do tigers live in sberia?

I don't know but they do because of Siberian Tigers

Where do Siberian tigers live and what do they eat?

Tigers generally don't eat other tigers.