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A headache specialist is the type of physician best suited to diagnose and treat headache disorders. This sounds most like cervicogenic headache and may require a multi-modal approach to treatment.

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Q: What kind of doctor should your daughter see if she has migraines every time she exercises and has neck and back muscle spasm from an accident?
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Can you tell me what might be wrong with me I keep getting terrible migraines and nose bleeds. The migraines are followed by dizziness.?

You really need to schedule an appointment with a neurologist for testing as migraines can be a very serious issue. Call your doctor.

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Yes you can, My doctor has me taking both for my migraines together.

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Following a shoulder injury, any exercises should be discussed with your doctor beforehand. Sometimes if your injury has not healed properly, exercises can actually make the injury worse. Your doctor should be able to advise you which exercises will be safe considering your injury.

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Only a doctor can diagnose Migraine and rule out other diseases or headache disorders.

What do you know about delusional migraines in children?

I need more information... but it could actually be a cluster headache... maybe.. If your child has delusional migraines it is best to get a check up from a doctor including migraine assesment and scans.

Why does mY head hurt at night during my pregnancy?

Your body is changing. I have migraines that would last days. The best I can say is take Tylenol and if it continues then talk to your doctor about it. Chronic migraines are fairly common in pregnancy.

What if you suffer from migraines but don't experience a throbbing pain?

Just because a person suffers from migraines does not mean they have to have any certain set of symptoms. Each person with migraines finds that theirs are unique to them, but still being classified as migraines. Some people with migraines have auras, nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, see spots, etc, and some people simply have a "really bad headache". Be sure to talk with your doctor if you are concerned about your migraine symptoms.

What does it mean if a contact lens user has regular severe headaches on the right side with a vomiting sensation?

The contact lenses probably have nothing to do with it. There are many things that can cause headaches, migraines often cause nausea as well. Go and see a doctor. *If your contacts do not fit properly or are damaging your eyes you can get migraines and light sensitivity but not nausea. You should see your eye doctor if you are having light sensitivity and migraines*

Where can I find information on migraine symptoms?

To get an in depth answer as to what may cause a particular case of migraines, your best bet is to go to your doctor for a proper evaluation. Most mild cases of migraines, or just migraines in general, tend to be stress related.

You get migraines so severe you throw up and you also have a lump across your eyebrows could they be related?

Yes, they can be related. I feel your pain. Luckily I outgrew my migraines as I got older. Many people do. Go see a doctor. Go see a specialist. Great strides have been made in the treatment of migraines.

How old do you have to be to take imitrex?

This is a prescription medication for migraines. It can only be prescribed by a doctor. The doctor is the only one who can make the determination whether or not it is appropriate for someone regardless of age.