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Q: What kind of drug tests do felony probation officers in Ohio use to test with?
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Is there any apartments in Columbus Ohio that rent to people with felony?

Hell no there isnt, I have a felony and got probation and served no time but after 3 years of constant searching and applying not one apartment or land lord will rent to me, discrimination at its finest

What is felony DUI and sentencing in Ohio?

Felony DUI in Ohio is after the 4th offense.

What is possible sentence for first time telephone harassment misdemeanor 1 in Ohio?

Probation and a fine. After being convicted of the first offense, each subsequent offense is a fifth degree felony

Can you be a correctional officer in Ohio with a felony?


What is the sentencing for tampering with evidence in Ohio?

If you are lucky you will get probation/

How much does a juvenile probation officer make a month?

Most probation officers will start out making close to $14 to $15 per hour. The more experience they have, the more money they will likely make. The pay of a probation officer will vary from State to State. The salary per year can be as high as $100,000

When does a DUI become a felony in Ohio?

A DUI in Ohio becomes a fourth degree felony upon the 4th offense within six years.

If you have a felony can you still get married in Ohio?


Is obstruction of justice a felony in Ohio?


What is a class 4 felony in Ohio?

A class 4 felony in Ohio is usually related to a violent or sexual assault. A class 4 felony usually gives the perpetrator the maximum fines and imprisonment sentence.

Can a probation officer in Ohio do a urine test in your home?

no he cant

What is a Felony 3 in Ohio?

Richard E. Brought Tiffin Ave. Sandusky Ohio