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most harddrug influence judgment and coordination, mostly Nervous system depressants(alcohol, opiates, some pain and sleep medication) and hallucinogens (LSD, mushrooms, some cactii)

marihuana might influence it by increasing reaction time, but usually makes people drive more careful

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Q: What kind of drugs may affect basic driving skills?
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are you seriously asking this question?......... ALL DRUGS affect your driving... Never drive while under the influence!

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This can affect car insurance if they believe you are drinking or using drugs and driving. However, most of the time it won't go up.

Can drugs affect the brain?

yes drugs can affect the brain it depends on what drugs your talking about weed makes you a slight dum but not really it can mess with your moter skills and your reaction time it takes up to 6 moths for your brain to be normal again. if your thanking of taking myth or crack just kill your self:}

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They try to mooch your drugs.

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Inotropic drugs affect the force of contraction. Chronotropic affect the rate of contraction.

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ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.

What drugs affect your life?

only the re-creational drugs affect your life. meaning the bad ones. good drugs such as medicines, help you when your sick.

What does the term impaired driving mean?

Impaired driving refers to operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which can significantly affect a driver's ability to safely operate the vehicle. It is illegal and dangerous because impaired drivers are more likely to cause accidents due to reduced reaction time and impaired judgment.

How does drugs affect your sport?

Drugs slower the nervous system.

How doe drugs affect you intellectually?

Drugs can negatively impact intellectual functioning by impairing cognitive abilities such as concentration, memory, and decision-making skills. Prolonged drug use can lead to long-term cognitive deficits and affect overall intellectual performance. Additionally, drugs can alter brain chemistry and disrupt neurotransmitter function, further impacting intellectual processing.