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Almost any element, including the heavier noble gases, can form a molecular compound (if chelated cations are considered molecular as most chemists would), but the vast majority of such compounds are composed of nonmetals.

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Q: What kind of elements make up molecular compounds?
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What kind of compounds do elements make when the combine?

The entire range of chemical compounds available in the universe

What kind of particles make up compounds?

Compounds are composed of elements. Elements are composed of sub-atomic particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons).

What compounds make up the element cadmium?

No compounds make up elements. Elements make up compounds, so there are no compounds in cadmium since it is an element.

Elements are combined to make compounds?

Yes, chemical compounds are made up of elements combined together.

What is the difference from an element from a compound?

An element is a substance made up of atoms with the same number of protons, while a compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. Elements cannot be broken down further by chemical means, while compounds can be broken down into their constituent elements.

What expresses the relationship between elements in the compounds and the molecules they make up?

Chemical bonds, such as covalent bonds and ionic bonds, link elements together to form compounds. These compounds have distinct molecular structures based on the arrangement of their constituent atoms. The type and strength of the bond between elements influence the properties of the resulting molecules.

How do the properties of compounds compare to the properties of the individual elements that make up the compound?

Compounds cannot be separated by physical means while elements are made up of only one kind of matter.

Are all elements smaller than compounds?

yes because all elements make up compounds

Do elements combine to make compounds?

Yes, elements combine in specific ratios to form compounds. A compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. The chemical bonds between elements in compounds are formed through interactions at the atomic level.

Compare and contrast elements and compounds?

a compound is made up of 2 or more types of atoms . atoms are smaller. u know what im sayin. listen, chemistry ain't a bowl of lemons . u gata wrk for it brotha

Is a birds nest a compound?

No, a birds nest is a structure. Each of its componenet parts maintains its separate ideneity. A compound is the result of elements or compounds uniinge at an atomic or molecular level to make a new material.

How many elements are used to make up million of compounds?

it is sure that approximately 75 compounds make up over one million compounds.