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Besides heat and light ?

Pure radiation (gamma rays) and particles: alpha, beta, and neutrons (and neutrinos - we think {none actually detected yet except from the sun}).

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Q: What kind of energy is given off from nuclear fusion reaction and from a nuclear fission reaction?
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Is nuclear energy a fission or fusion reaction?

Nuclear energy is either:fission reaction, orfusion reaction, orradioactive decay

What type of reaction supplies the most energy?

fusion nuclear reaction followed by fission nuclear reaction

The energy released by a fission or fusion reaction?

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Outline on nuclear energy?

Definition: energy from nuclear fission or fusion: the energy released by nuclear fission or fusion

What isdifference nuclear fission and nuclear fission?

The difference between Fusion and Fission is that Fission is easier to do and produces more energy than fusion reactions. However fission can be dangerous and is used in Nuclear reactors. Fusion however is safer and produces less energy but safely. It is quite difficult to cause a Fusion reaction however.

Is it a fission or fusion reaction?

Fission and fusion are different nuclear reactions.

Why fusion reaction are more energetic than fission reactions?

Nuclear fission does not produce more energy than nuclear fusion. In nuclear fusion (6.4 MeV) per nucleon is given out which is much greater than the energy given out per nucleon (1 MeV) during a nuclear fission reaction.

How is a nuclear fission reaction controlled in a nuclear reaction?

Reactions that involve nuclei, called nuclear reactions, result in a tremendous amount of energy. Two types are fission and fusion.

What are the two types of nuclear reaction?

Nuclear Fission & Nuclear fusion.

Do H-bombs deal with fission?

To some degree. Hydrogen bombs release energy via nuclear fusion, but they use a fission reaction to trigger the fusion.

Fission and fusion is an example of what kind of energy?

One type of atom (element or isotope) is converted to another. This is called nuclear reaction.

How is a nuclear fission reaction controlled in a nuclear reactor?

Reactions that involve nuclei, called nuclear reactions, result in a tremendous amount of energy. Two types are fission and fusion.