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kinetic energy

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4d ago

In a waterfall, potential energy from the water at a higher elevation is converted into kinetic energy as the water falls downward. The kinetic energy can then be harnessed to generate electricity using hydroelectric power plants.

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Q: What kind of energy transformation happens in a waterfall?
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A change from one kind of energy to the other is called?

Energy transformation.

What kind of energy does water gain it travels down a waterfall?

Kinetic Energy.

What kind of energy transformation occur when the energy is converted?

mechanical energy to electrical energy. :)

What is transformational energy?

energy transformation is the process of changing any kind of energy into another.

What kind of energy does water have at the top of a waterfall?

At the top of a waterfall, water has mainly potential energy, which is the energy stored in its position above ground level. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the water falls downwards.

What kind of energy transformation occurs in a gasoline-powered car?

Chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy.

What kind of energy transformation is a firecracker?

A firecracker is an example of a chemical energy transformation, where the potential chemical energy stored in the firecracker's components is converted into heat, light, sound, and kinetic energy when ignited.

Microwave is an example of what kind of energy transformation?

The microwave oven uses electrical energy to generate microwaves, which are a form of electromagnetic radiation. When the microwaves enter the food, they transfer their energy to the water molecules inside the food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat. This transformation is an example of electrical energy being converted into electromagnetic energy and then into thermal energy.

Windmill is an example of what kind of energy transformation?

Gravitational potential energy being converted to kinetic energy

Is it true an energy transformation is occurring only at point 3?

Yes, an energy transformation is occurring only at point 3. At point 3, the energy of an object is changing as it moves or undergoes some kind of transformation. This can be due to a change in potential energy, kinetic energy, or thermal energy at that specific location.

What kind of energy is transformation?

first it goes throgh the stage of chemical>electrical>acoustic

What kind of energy transformation is taking place in the caterpillar's body while the caterpillar eats the leaf in the photograph?

Chemical Energy -> Kinetic Energy