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Q: What kind of food do eagles and sanakes compete for?
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Related questions

What kind of eagles are in Alaska?

Bald Eagles.

What kind of eagles live in north America?

Bald and golden eagles.

Is eagles endangered?

some kind are endangered

What kind of snake eats eagles?


What kind of eagle is the biggest?

harpy eagles.

What kind of feet do golden eagles have?

Claws or talons.

What kind of animals compete in the savanna?

Lions, hyenas, cheetahs, and leopards all compete for the same prey in the African savanna.

What kind of leaves do Okapis eat?

Bald golden eagles

What kind of animals did the Aztecs have?

Jaguar eagles something else

What kind of teeth do eagle has?

Eagles dose not have teeth, it has beak.

Do eagles feed their chicks?

Yes. Eagles - like all predatory birds - are born quite helpless and rely on their parents for food for quite some time. It takes them several weeks to grow large and strong enough - and the right kind of feathers - to be able to fly and hunt on their own.

Do eagles sweat?

Depends on what kind on what kind of activity theyre doing, like flying, eating or reprocducing.