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Q: What kind of gibbons are found in Thailand?
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What kind of native animals are in Thailand?

elephants, gibbons, civets, burmese python, javan rhinos, and king cobra

On which continent are gibbons found?

The gibbons r found in asia

Where does the gibbon live?

The gibbons live in Thailand, veitnam, and south east asia. Ussually in rainforests. Did you know that the gibbons spends only 1 % of it's life on the ground and 99% swinging from tree to tree.

What kind of continent is Thailand?

Thailand is not a continent- it is a country.

What continent is Thailand found on?

Thailand is located in Asia.

Are there gibbons living in Africa?

No. They are mainly found in Asia.

Where are the mountains in Thailand?

Mountain can be found throughout Thailand but most in the South

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What kind of monarchy does Thailand have?

It does things that what it does

What is the professional qualities of teacher in Thailand?

qualities of teacher in thailand is different stuff but in thailand just the qualities are true

Is Christianity accepted in Thailand?

Yes! We actually accept any kind of religions in Thailand.

In which continent are Gibbons generally found?

Gibbons are apes in the family Hylobatidae. Gibbons live in tropical and subtropical rainforests from northeast India to Indonesia and north to southern China, including islands of Sumatra, Borneo, and Java.