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They got a piece of coal.

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Q: What kind of gifts did the Irish get on Christmas if they are bad?
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Related questions

Does England give out Christmas gifts?

no, but they have bad teeth.

How many gifts will I get for Christmas if 'I ain't been nuttin' but bad?

nothing at all

What are some good funny Christmas gifts?

There are many funny Christmas gifts you can get, depending on the person in question. Joke books, ironically bad records and ugly sweaters are just a few.

What types of gifts are given in Germany on Christmas?

Any whatever gift they said they would like or what you would like to buy them. Imma not sure bout everything but i know tht the parents of bad children get rods

Is it bad if your girlfriend doesn't get you anything for Christmas?

Best to talk about it--some families do not exchange gifts; it may also be that she does not have the money to do so.

What do bad boys get for Christmas in Italy?

Coal, dark candy, garlic, onions, or sticks are what bad boys get for Christmas in Italy. Such presents contrast with the attractive, delicious, expensive gifts of fruits and soft candies (such as caramels) for good children. The gifts may be considered part of the Christmas season's gift-giving even though they typically are left on January 5th, as the eve of the Epiphany to commemorate the Magi's gifts of January 6th in celebration of Jesus of Nazareth's birth the previous December 25th.

Is a peacock is friendly to to people?

They are friendly if you bring them gifts.

How do people in Holland celebrate Christmas?

In Holland, Sinterklaas (or Santa Clause) arrives by ship with gifts for the children. Those who have been good will receive chocolate and other gifts in their shoes, while those who have been bad get coal or sticks instead. See related link to read more.

Why do the Irish have bad teeth?

Irish people don't particularly have bad teeth.

What is a good gift verses a bad gift?

A good gift is a gift that someone loves. If you give a gift to someone and he/she appreciates it, then it is a good gift. Good gifts are also gifts that give meaning in a nice way. Bad gifts give rude meanings. Bad gifts surprise people and people seem irritated and feel uneasy with a bad gift. Gifts are given to be good gifts. Bad gifts are simply thrown away and never kept as part of people's lives.

Is Saturday a bad day to have Christmas?

No, Saturday, or any other day, is not a bad day to have Christmas.

What do bad girls and bad boys get for Christmas?

Bad boys and girls get coal for Christmas.