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Q: What kind of gold is used in crowns?
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What was gold used for within the empire of Ghana?

to make throwns and crowns

Is it possible to convert gold to crowns on wizard 101?

no, but it is possible to convert crowns to gold

What element is used in dental crowns?

Amalgam is a restorative FILLING material. Crowns are typically porcelain fused to hi-noble palladium, gold, platinum, silver, and tin. There is also a "full gold" crown...which is exactly how it sounds. And then all porcelain crowns...which are essentially "colored glass".

How many crowns does marleybone cost in wizard 101?

1200 crowns for each area GO DEATH WIZARDS

What is gold used in other than jewelry?

Gold can be used to make extremely thin wires, for use in highly miniaturized electronic circuitry. Cell phones contain a tiny amount of gold. Gold is widely used in dentistry, to make crowns for teeth.

What does gold does wizard101?

gold is like money on wizard101. you buy things with it. but, some u will have to buy with crowns. (crowns gives u mounts and better items)

What do dentists use gold for?

Dentists use gold to make crowns and inlays.

What is the element used in dental crowns?

Dental crowns are made of porcelain or metal and can be used to cover the entire tooth or only a portion of it. Porcelain crowns are made of white or light-colored porcelain, while metal crowns are usually made of silver or gold. Dental crowns are used to cover a tooth when it has been broken, to replace a missing tooth, or to restore a tooth that has been badly damaged. Dental crowns are typically made in a dental lab, but can also be made by a dentist in a dental clinic.

Are all the queens crowns gold?

No. Some are silver

What are crowns made of?

Crowns were made of precious metals(such as gold)set with beautiful jewels(such as emeralds,rubies and sapphires.

Is the element gold explosive radioactive or noxious?

Nope. Gold is none of those, and is otherwise inert, too. That is why gold is often used for people's tooth crowns, and as electrical contacts in electronics. Gold does not even corrode or "Rust".

How do you get a horse on wizard101?

to get a horse(or mount) go to the crowns store to buy either with crowns or gold (to pay gold cost more than crowns).If you want to buy a 1-day mount, go to Prospecter Zeke and he will be selling brooms and horses.