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Q: What kind of govement was in place when the Parthenon was being built?
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What was unique about the Parthenon?

its built in a different place altogether

What hill was the Parthenon built on?

It is a temple, built for the virgin goddess Athena.

How old is the greek Parthenon?

The Parthenon is a temple in Athens, built to the goddess Pallas Athena. It was built there and cannot have been any other place. It was completed in 432 BC.

Why did most people Athens build the Parthenon?

The Parthenon was built as a gift, or place to worship, the Greek goddess Athena, who was the patron goddess of the greek goddess Athens. The Parthenon had a statue of Athena inside that was made of ivory and gold. It is said to be one of the finest examples of Doric architecture. The Parthenon sits on the Acropolis, which means "high-city," so the gift to Athena would sit high, like the goddess herself.

What is the Parthenon?

The Parthenon is the dominant temple on the Acropolis. It was built for Athena between 447 and 432 B.C.E. The chief temple of the goddess Athena built on the acropolis at Athens between 447 and 432 B.C. and considered a supreme example of Doric architecture. Athena, the virgin goddess. Parthenon = virgin's place The Parthenon is in Athens, Greece.

What events took place in the Parthenon?


What events took place in Parthenon?


Why is the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus a wonder?

The temple of Artemis won its place in the 7 wonders through the magnificence and sheer size. It was an extremely impressive building. The temple was much larger than the Parthenon, it was even one of the biggest temples ever built by the Greeks as well as being one of the first to be built completely out of marble.

Where is the Parthenon now?

The same place it always was: in Greece!

Would the Parthenon be a good place to visit?

Yes it is

Is the Parthenon a public place?

Like all temples the Parthenon was a place of worship, though it may have been used more primarily by priests, while the majority would visit smaller shrines. The Parthenon is comparable to a cathedral in many ways.

Was the Parthenon the most elegant place in ancient Greece?

yes it was