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The Global Positioning System (GPS) provides location and time information for anywhere on the Earth via a series of satellites in geostationary orbits. The time it takes for the driver/pilot to send a signal to the satellites and receive it back again can be used to work out how far away you are from the satellites, which is used to work out where you are.

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Q: What kind of help do satellites give car drivers and airplane pilots?
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What does a satellite do in space?

A satellite can do many things. There are weather, communication, navigation, and scientific satellites. Mostly the names will help you. The weather satellites give info about the weather of earth at all times. The communication satellites help get you communicating with other people like over phone or radio and television. Navigation satellites help sailors and other vehicle drivers navigate thoughout where they are going. Scientific satellites basically find out sciency things about the earth like radiation.

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No, but some can detect them

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With ninja airplane parts. Make sure to give it some ninja airplane fuel too.

Can you give birth on an airplane?

Yes! You can give birth anywhere!

What happens to the heat that the burning fuel give off from an airplane?

It is ejected out the back to propel the airplane.

Is airplane food free with the flight?

Yes, airplane food is free it comes with the package.

Who sings give you a ticket for an airplane?

The Box Tops - the letter

What happens to extra airplane food?

they give it to a charity or something