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just vanilla or something plain, with no lumps or chunks of anything

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I just got my wisdome teeth out Monday(it is now Friday) and what I have found works bet is pudding, jello, mashed potatoes and TONS of gatorade!

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Q: What kind of ice cream can you eat after wisdom teeth removed?
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Are stitches resolvable or do they have to be removed after having wisdom teeth removed?

Some stitches are resolvable , it's just depended on what kind the dentist use. Also if the dentist use the other kind , yes you have to get them removed

What kind of teeth are wisdom teeth?

your two back teeth

What kind of doctor pulls wisdom teeth?

Generally this work is performed by an oral surgeon.

What is the cost for 4 wisdom teeth extracted?

I just recently had my wisdom teeth out and it cost about $250 a tooth. Don't let cost get in the way of getting them out if possible. I was told to get my wisdom teeth out about five years ago and since I waited so long my wisdom teeth pushed up against the molars they were next to and damaged them so they had to be removed as well. I was also getting infections in them. For me, the initial price (For just the wisdom teeth) was $2300. That's everything the anesthesia, removal, etc. Fortunately my oral surgeon told me to ask the receptionists if there was any kind of payment plan or anyway I could knock the price down a bit. They were able to lower the price to $2237, which was even lower than the inital price for just the wisdom teeth alone! Make sure that when you go to have your teeth removed you ask about a payment plan. Most people go into the health-care field to help people.

What happens if wisdom teeth are not removed?

That depends on how big a person's mouth is, and what other teeth they have, but typically, they become impacted because there is no room for them in the mouth, and they can push your teeth out of place (kind of the reverse of braces), and they can also get infected and cause a lot of pain.

What can you eat after you have your wisdom teeth taken out?

1.Ice cream 2. Mash Potatoes (cold) 3. Yogurt 4.Frozen yogurt 5.Apple sauce Once you have your wisdom teeth removed you cannot have caffine or anything hot or spicy it will hurt your wisdom teeth area that you just gotten removed

How long till you can makeout after you get your wisdom teeth out?

Not until the entire sockets have healed. This is because if your partners saliva has any kind of bacteria inside it and it get's inside of your incisions. This could cause bacteria to form and cause infection. If you are on an antibiotic (which I hope you are after having them removed) then you may want to wait for a few days after words. If you mess up the blood clots forming where the teeth were removed. You will contract Dry Socket. It is no joke.

What kind of substance is wole milk?

Whole milk is (usually) milk from a cow that has been cooled, but has not had any cream content removed. The main choices are: whole milk (full cream), semi-skimmed milk (half the cream removed), and skimmed milk (practically all the cream removed). Whole milk is recommended for children, who need the fat and calcium, for bone structure.

Are you supposed to lose your back teeth?

This is a difficult question to answer without more information. If you are talking about your baby molars then yes, you lose them and they are replaced by the adult premolar teeth. You lose these between the ages of 9 and 12. At this time your adult first molars are usually already erupted and your adult second molars are just starting to erupt. See the tooth eruption chart below. If you are referring to your adult molars then, no, under normal circumstances you should not lose them. We routinely extract the wisdom teeth (adult 3rd molars) however loss of adult teeth usually indicates some kind of disease process, such as Periodontal Disease. Hope this helps! Dr. Nathan Saydyk

If you get your wisdom teeth removed does it hurt?

Yes, you probably will feel some kind of pain upon having your wisdom teeth removed. If you like, you can be put to sleep so you don't feel the actual removal of the wisdom teeth. Afterwards, you will probably have pain for at least a couple of days. But the pain shouldn't last much longer than a few days, and most dentists will write you a prescription for pain medicine if needed. I had all four of mine pulled out when I was young. I wasn`t sedated however they did have to freeze my mouth. The shots hurt depending on how big the needle is. (The needle my surgeon used was HUGE). Apart from that, after the freezing, the surgery was fine just a bit of crunching and pressure between the cheek and your eye. I was really swollen and I had pain killers and antibiotics to reduce the pain. Eat soft foods like ice cream, potatoes, soup and Jell-O for the first few days. Other then that you will be fine! Good luck and I hope everything goes well ! :-)

Which kind of teeth is replaced after teeth are broken?

Humans usually gets two sets of teeth. Baby AKA milk teeth, then a set of adult teeth. The last of the adult teeth to appear are called the wisdom teeth. If one of the adult teeth are damaged, the body won't grow a new one. If you want to have it replaced, you have to see a dentist, there are several different ways of creating an artificial tooth as a replacement.

What kind of services does Western Dental offer?

Western Dental offers general dentistry services. They also have family plans and orthodontic care. If there is an issue with payment they offer 0% interest on all payment plans. With Western Dental there is no reason to go to the hospital to have your wisdom teeth removed. Cosmetic services are also available.