

What kind of instincts do lions have?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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animal instinct

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Q: What kind of instincts do lions have?
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What helps lions catch prey?

there instincts

What are instincts of baby lions?

eating when hungry

Do sea lions have inborn instincts?

No, they watch and learn from their mother.

Can lions be a good pet?

No. They are considered a wild animal have the instincts to kill to feed

How does a lion know how to hunt for food?

Lions have some instincts which are relevant to hunting, but they are also taught by their parents. Even though lions do not speak, they can demonstrate techniques to each other.

Do lions eat their kind?

some lions do. most lions only eat their kind when in desperate times or when one dies.

Are lions pretty?

kind of

How is the relationship with the lion and others of their kind?

lions are related to other cats because well lions are a kind of cat

What kind of habitat do lions live in?

Lions live in Africa. IN DEEP GRASS

How do lions communicate with others of its kind?

To communicate, lions sniff each other and roar.