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Q: What kind of magnet can attract steel and iron due to electricity?
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Why metal can does not attract to the magnet?

magnets only attract iron and steel

What is the difference between iron and magnet?

Magnet attract things made of iron nickel steel

Explain why a magnet can attract pins but not matches?

A magnet is made of 'Soft' Iron. A pin has steel (iron) in it. A match does NOT have iron in it.

Does magnet always attract silver?

Silver is a not magnetic metal - the most highly magnetic metal is iron - so no unless the cores of the coins are iron

What metals attract magnet?

No metals can attract a magnet. Only magnets can attract metals. (Believe me there is a difference). However the most common examples of metals which magnets would be able to pick up are Iron and Steel (steel is an alloy of Iron and Carbon)

Will a magnet attract a washer?

Yes, if the washer is made from ferromagnetic metal (iron, steel).

What doesnt a scrap heap metal magnet attract?

Anything without iron in it, and some iron alloys such as stainless steel.

Why does the magnet attract the iron?

the magnet attracts to iron by the magnetic field both the iron and the magnet have

Does a magnet attract iron?

Yes, a magnet will attract iron. This is because iron is a type of magnetic substance, and the magnet can penetrate it to increase the magnetic field and draw it near it.

Why does the magnet attract iron objects?

the magnet attracts to iron by the magnetic field both the iron and the magnet have

What happens when you put a magnet wrapped in cling film nearby iron and sulphur?

The magnet will attract the iron, but will not attract the sulphur.

Does a magnet attrack to copper?

No, they won't. Copper, while it is a good conductor of electricity, is not a ferromagnetic material, and a magnet won't be magnetically attracted to it. (They will stick to anything if you use enough glue!)