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Smooth Muscles line the walls of tubelike structure such as the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary system, the blood vessels and the bronchi of the lungs.

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Q: What kind of muscle is in the walls of tubelike structures?
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Kind of muscle found in the walls of the stomach?

Smooth Muscle

What kind of tissue in found in the walls of the heart?

cardiac muscle

What kind of Involuntary muscle is found in the walls of blood vessels and in the digestive tract?

Smooth muscle tissue is the type of muscle tissue found in the walls of many organs and blood vessels in the body.

Kind of muscle that makes up the walls of the heart?

cardiac muscle! Oh and if you say the heart doesn't have a muscle U R STUPID! It has a muscle

What kind of tissue is the tongue?

You tongue is a muscle, but it also has sensory structures called taste buds that are located on it.

What kind of structures did people in Pompeii leave behind?

preserved wine and olives and chestnuts and figs and undestroyed buildings like the walls that had beautiful paintings on them.

What kind of muscle tissue would you find in the blood vessels?

Arteries have smooth muscle in their walls. The smaller the artery is, the less muscle is found. Veins have none, they count on the skeltal muscles to move blood back to the heart. The veins also have valves which prevent back flow.

What kind of muscle lines hollow organs?

smooth musclesingle unit smooth musclesmooth muscleUnitary smooth muscleno uJust smooth muscle.Ribs are bones.Smooth muscle tissue.Involuntary muscles make up the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs.Smoothsmooth muscleSmooth muscle tissue are small spindle-shaped cells that are commonly found in the walls of hollow organs.

What kind of muscle is the intestines?

the cardiac muscle

Bicep is to muscle as rib is to?

biceps is a kind of muscle, rib is a kind of bone.

What kind of muscle is your uterus?

Voluntary Smooth Muscle

What kind of muscle is your intestnal muscles?

smooth muscle.