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Uncle John is a singular, proper, concrete, noun

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Jordi Grant

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Q: What kind of noun is uncle?
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What kind of noun is uncle john?

Uncle John is a singular, proper, concrete, noun

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Which noun is uncle?

The word 'uncle' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a person.

Is uncle a concrete noun?

No, "uncle" is a common noun when used by itself. It only becomes a proper noun if used as a title or part of a specific name, as in "Uncle Leo is crazy." If you write, "My older uncle, Leo, is crazy," then it remains a common noun.

Is uncle a proper noun?

No, the noun "uncle" is a common noun, a general word for a male relative.A proper noun is the name of a specific uncle, for example, "Uncle Leo is crazy."Used as, "My older uncle, Leo, is crazy," then it remains a common noun.

Is uncle a verb?

No, "uncle" is not a verb. It is a noun that refers to the brother of one's parent.

Is uncle capitalized if it preceded by a possessive pronoun?

No, the common noun 'uncle' becomes a proper noun when it is the title of a specific uncle. Examples: common noun: My uncle invited me to go fishing. proper noun: My Uncle Jack invited me to go fishing.

What is the possessive noun of uncle?

The possessive form of the noun uncle is uncle's.example: These vegetables came from my uncle's garden.

What part of speech is the word uncle?

The word uncle is a singular noun. The plural term is uncles.

Is uncle a plural noun?

No, "uncle" is a singular noun. The plural form is "uncles" when referring to more than one uncle.

Is the word uncle a proper noun or a common noun?

The noun 'uncle' is a common noun, a general word for a male relative.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. Examples of proper nouns for the common noun 'uncle' are the names of specific uncles such as Uncle Bill or Uncle Walter; or more well known uncles such as Uncle Sam (wartime symbol of the US) and "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (classic novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe).

What is the appositive your uncle Harvey likes to pinch your cheek?

There is no appositive in the sentence given.An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun or pronoun just before it.An appositive is set off in a sentence with a comma before and after it.Examples of the sentence with appositive are:Your uncle, Harvey, likes to pinch your cheek.The noun 'Harvey' renames the noun phrase 'your uncle'.Your Uncle Harvey, an old man, likes to pinch your cheek.The noun phrase 'an old man' renames the noun phrase 'your Uncle Harvey'.That man, your Uncle Harvey, likes to pinch your cheek.The noun phrase 'your Uncle Harvey' renames the noun phrase 'that man'.