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Q: What kind of nuts do toucans crack?
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Related questions

What adaptations do toucans have to their environment?

its hard beaks crack nuts easily

Do all talking birds have the same kind of beak?

no some are large and ment to crack nuts like a toucans others are for getting into flowers like the humming birds, ect

Do macaws and toucans eat the same food?

toucans and macaws both eat fruits, nuts, seeds, insects, and small creatures

How the animals adapted to the tropical rain forest?

Toucans have grown big beaks so they can easily crack open hard nuts which gives them an advantage over smaller birds who cant do this. They also have big claws so they can grip on to trees easily.

What kind of feet do toucans have?

feet like a bird

Can God make a nut so hard he can't crack it?

Can't God crack all nuts?

Why do pistacio nuts crack?

because that's how god made them :)

How do toucans use their beaks?

birds use beaks for picking up food, cracking grain and nuts, climbing, poking and piercing, moving things (like eggs or rocks) around, carrying nest building materials, building nests, feeding its young, scooping up water, defeding itself, killing prey, tapping messages, grooming (preening), filtering food, feeling (sense of touch)

How do monkeys open nuts the food?

They crack it with there head.Taylor,brek academy

How do you open Brazil nuts?

The best way to open Brazil nuts is to place them in the freezer. When they are frozen their shells crack easily.

What kind of temperatures do toucans like?

38 °C to 39 °C.

How many nuts in a Tbsp?

Depends what kind of nuts