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Q: What kind of objects attract to a charged balloon?
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What would happen if a negatively charged balloon touched metal?

Opposite charges attract each other. It makes no difference what kind of objects happen to be carrying the charges.

What is the kind of electricity you create by rubbing a balloon on your head?

Rubbing a balloon on your head creates static electricity. This occurs due to the transfer of electrons between the balloon and your hair, causing the balloon to become negatively charged. The negatively charged balloon can then attract or repel other objects, creating small electrical sparks or causing your hair to stand on end.

How does a balloon stay on a wall?

It depends on how long it takes for the charge to diminish so that it can no longer hold the balloon against gravity. Principal factors will be the conductivity of the balloon's material, and the humidity of the air.

Attraction and repulsion?

Attraction and repulsion, in physics means, is when two objects attract and repel one another. For example, an When a negatively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with negatively charged leaves, the leaves will repel. Same goes for when a positively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with positively charged leaves, the leaves will repel. But if a negatively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with positively charged leaves, the leaves will attract. Kind of like opposites attract, and likeness repels.

What happens when two objects have positive charges?

Like charges repel, unlike charges attract, is what I learned at school. This is true for electric/magnetic charges. Within the atomic nucleus other forces take over, so two protons can live together.

What will happen if the the same charged object come together?

The electrostatic forces between two objects that have the same kind of charge act in the direction to push the objects apart.

In terms of electrical explain why the balloons repelled each other?

It's due to static electricity build up. The balloons have become charged with electricity and it is the same charge on both balloons (either positive or negative). Opposite charges attract, identical charges repel each other.

Why do two objects with the same charge always repel each other?

No. There are two kinds of charge, which we call 'positive' and 'negative' charge. Two charged objects will attract each other only if they have opposite kinds of charge. If they both have the same kind, then they repel each other.

How many inches is a balloon?

It depends on what kind of balloon.

You watch your friend rub a balloon on their sweater and then stick it to the wall. To investigate, you set up an experiment to test what happens with other objects. What's the test variable in your experiment?

Answer: When you put the balloon on the wall after you rubbed it on the sweater. the balloon would either stick to the wall or repel from the wall depending on what kind of electrons there are on the sweater

Why doesn't the iron in human bodies attract magnetic objects?

There are two types of iron: magnetic and non-magnetic iron. The iron in your body is the non-magnetic kind.

What kind of balloons holds more air and why?

The kind of balloon that holds more air is a hot air balloon. This is because they are much larger than a standard balloon.