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A domestic rabbit should eat any brand of rabbit pellet. Some brands are better than others. The main thing is to make sure they get Rabbit Pellets, not other animal pellets.

Not just any brand is fine. Lots of them are too high in protein and fat, and too low in fibre.

Avoid "muesli" pellets (ones mixed with seeds, grains, nuts, dried fruit or veg, etc). These are too fatty for rabbits; also, some rabbits will root through and only eat the good parts, and then they won't get the full balance of nutrients. Look for "extruded" pellets instead (these are plain pellets).

Then, to find a good pellet, you have to read the nutritional info on the label. This is what you want for a normal, healthy adult pet rabbit:

  • Fibre should be 18% minimum
  • Protein between 12-14%
  • Fat between 1-2% and no animal fats
  • Calcium between 0.5-1%

Baby rabbits (under 1 year) can have higher levels of protein, calcium, and fat than adults.

*Always consider your rabbit's individual health needs when determining its diet.*

Portions: Pellets should be limited to, roughly speaking, 1/8-1/4cup daily for an adult 5lb rabbit. Baby rabbits should have unlimited access to pellets.

Make sure you also feed plenty of hay 24/7! Hay is roughage (or fibre). Hay (a good quality hay free of weeds and chemicals) should be fed daily. Fresh greens should also be a part of your rabbit's daily diet.

See the related questions below for more info and links about rabbit diet.

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11y ago

Pellets are a mixture of vitamins and minerals that are good for your rabbit. Its usually cheeper and also you can buy them in bulk. They may look bad to us, but to rabbits, its exactly what they need. Try to get a brand and stick with it, if you switch too quickly, your rabbit will get sick. Just over time mix up the pellets in ratios, like 10% new stuff 90% old stuff, then slowly go up till its 100% new pellets. But if its a transition from mixed food to pellets, it might be a bit harder. You can start doing it the same way, but if the rabbit doesn't eat the pellets by choice, I personally don't know. I hope this helps a little bit.

~Rabbit Breeder

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What do home rabbits eat bunnies?

Rabbits are herbivores and do not eat other rabbits! They only eat plant material, fruit, pellets, and vegetables.

Ewhatt do rabbits eat?

Pellets,dry lettuce fruits carrots and greens.

What 5 things can rabbits eat?

~Pellets ~Carrots ~Celery ~Lettuce ~Apples

What Can A Rabbit Eat?

Rabbits eat vegetables, rabbit pellets, and Monty Python's Knights of the Round Table.

Does anything besides rabbits eat rabbit pellets?

AnswerRabbit pellets are designed very specifically to meet a rabbit's dietary needs, and since rabbits eat very unique diets, their pellets are not suitable for other animals. Other animals should eat pellets made specifically for them or else they will suffer from malnutrition and fall ill.DebateOne person wrote: Guinea pigs, hamsters, and mice can also eat rabbit pellets. Another person wrote in response: Hamsters and mice are omnivorous, which means they require animal protein in their diet and they can digest animal fats; rabbits, on the other hand, are vegetarian (vegan), and their pellets should be low in protein and fat -- in other words, these animals eat very different diets and therefore can't eat the same pellets. Guinea pigs (cavies) are more similar to rabbits but they have special dietary needs too, and they should eat a pellet made just for them (for instance, they need vitamin C and their pellets will have this added, whereas rabbit pellets don't).

What is in the pellets angora rabbits eat?

Hay, and the other things your rabbit eats daily! Sometimes vegetables, grains, and seeds are ground up and put in the pellets, too; also vitamins and other dietary supplements. Not all the pellets you can buy in the store are actually good for rabbits: some are too fatty or too high in protein, or not high enough in fibre. Look for a healthy pellet! Angora rabbits can eat the same pellets as all other pet rabbits. See the related questions below for details and links.

What kind of animail do rabbits eat?

Rabbits are vegetarian so they don't eat animals.

What do demosticated rabbits eat?

12-18% rabbit pellets from a feed store, supplemented by fresh greens

What can you feed a baby rabbit if you have no pellets?

All rabbits should have access to hay all the time and can eat it as food. Although you should buy pellets as soon as possible, but make sure you buy the right pellets for the right age group and follow the portion suggestions.

Do rabbits ever eat berries?

Yes, rabbits do eat berries.

Can rabbits eat bok choy?

Yes, rabbits can eat every kind of vegetables, but not meat.

Can rabbits eat cobnuts?

No, rabbits can't eat cobnuts (also known as hazelnuts) or any kind of nut. Although cobnuts aren't poisonous, they're not healthy for rabbits, either. Rabbits should eat a diet of lots and lots of hay, fresh water, high-quality pellets (the plain kind, not the kind mixed with seeds and veg), and fresh dark leafy green vegetables. As a treat, they can have a few bites of fruit or non-leafy vegetables. All other foods are unhealthy for rabbits. See the related question below for more details and helpful links about a healthy rabbit diet.