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adjective phrase

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Q: What kind of phrase is of the illuminated side?
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Is the phrase of the illuminated side an adjective phrase or an adverb phrase?

It is an adjective phrase, because it must apply to a noun (specifying what the noun applies to), e.g. the shadows of the illuminated side, the size of the illuminated side, the view of the illuminated side. *The original version of this question is now an alternate.

What kind of phrase is found in the sentence As the moon continues in its orbit around the earth a part of the illuminated side of the moon becomes visible?

Adjective Phrases : 1. around the Earth - modifies orbit 2. of the illuminated side - modifies part 3. of the Moon - modifies side Adverb Phrase: in its orbit (in its orbit around the Earth) - modifies around

What is the adjective phrase in As the Moon continues in its orbit around the earth a part of the illuminated side side of the moon becomes visible?

There are 3 adjective phrases and 1 adverb phrase. Adjective Phrases : 1. around the Earth - modifies orbit 2. of the illuminated side - modifies part 3. of the Moon - modifies side Adverb Phrase: in its orbit (in its orbit around the Earth) - modifies around

Which side of the moon is illuminated as it wanes from a full to new?

If you live in the Northern hemisphere, the illuminated side is on the left.In the Southern hemisphere, the opposite is true.

Which side of the moon is illuminated the east or the west?

The side of the moon that is illuminated is always the side that is facing the sun. Whether you perceive that as facing east or west depends on the phase of the moon and the time of day that you observe it. If the moon is in its first quarter and you observe it in the evening, the side that faces west (toward the setting sun) is illuminated. If the moon is in its third quarter and you observe it in the morning, the side that faces east (toward the rising sun) is illuminated.

What is the adverb phrase in the sentence As the moon continues in its orbit around the Earth a part of the illuminated side of the Moon becomes visible?

* The adverb phrase is "in its orbit" and modifies the verb "continues" (in its orbit around the Earth including the adjective phrase) *The adverb clause is "as the Moon continues in its orbit around the Earth."

What side of the moon would have reflected light if it is in a waning phase?

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the left side of the moon is illuminated. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, the right side of the moon is illuminated. Regardless of hemisphere, the western half of the moon is illuminated during the waning moon phases.

What is the bright side of the half moon?

The illuminated part

How many percent illuminated is full moon?

There are two separate things that need to be addressed. One is the surface area of the Moon. The other is the surface area of the NEAR SIDE of the Moon. As a sphere in space, the Moon is always 50% illuminated, except during lunar eclipses. The phases of the Moon measure what percentage of the NEAR SIDE of the Moon is illuminated. At the new moon, none of the near side is lit up; at the full moon, 100% of the near side is illuminated.

What are the adjective phrases in the sentence As the moon continues in its orbit around the earth a part of the illuminated side of the moon becomes visible?

There are three: 1. around the Earth 2. of the illuminated side 3. of the Moon

What kind of books are illuminated letters reserved for?

Special types of books

What is the minimum percent of the moon that needs to be illuminated in order for the phase to be called gibbous?

A "gibbous" Moon has between 51% and 99% of the illuminated side of the Moon visible from Earth. Just to be precise; the Moon is always 50% illuminated. The Moon is a rocky ball, half in sunlight and half in darkness. As the Moon orbits the Earth, the same face of the Moon is always visible. From the Earth, we see "phases" of the Moon as the Moon orbits the Earth. At the new moon phase, the illuminated half of the Moon is the "far side" of the Moon; at the full, the illuminated half is the "near side".