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Q: What kind of plane sits on the border of space and the atmosphere?
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What kind of atmosphere its outside of the Milky Way?

There is no atmosphere in interstellar space.

Is it possible for a planet to be a completely closed?

No there will always be some kind of interaction at the edges of the atmosphere. Even earth is not a completely closed system. the atmosphere loses some hydro gen atoms to space and some meteorites enter the atmosphere from space.

What kind of engines do you require to achieve flight in earth atmosphere and in outer space?

To fly in the lower atmosphere requires a jet engine, but to fly in the upper atmosphere and outer space requires the vehicle to have rocket fuel and a speciallly designed rocket engine.

Is it possible for a planet to be a completely closed system?

No there will always be some kind of interaction at the edges of the atmosphere. Even earth is not a completely closed system. the atmosphere loses some hydro gen atoms to space and some meteorites enter the atmosphere from space.

Is it possible for a planet to be a complete close system?

No there will always be some kind of interaction at the edges of the atmosphere. Even earth is not a completely closed system. the atmosphere loses some hydro gen atoms to space and some meteorites enter the atmosphere from space.

What kind of air surrounds the solar system?

There is no atmosphere in space. As such, there is no air. It is often referred to as empty space or alternately dark matter. There is a good article at the site in the related links.

What kind of atmosphere does the mercury have?

It has a depressing Atmosphere

What kind of environment is space shuttle reentry?

When in the orbit, space shuttles kinetic energy is in large amounts. The energy must the disposed for a safe landing. Reentry space shuttles must show blunt shapes for the heat energy to be released into the atmosphere.

How does a rocket help space exploration?

It allows astronaut's, Satellites and other items to be sent into space. The problem through is that rockets are basically fireworks. The fuel leaks out of the tank and is set on fire pushing the rocket skywards, but once the fuel has started burning it can't stop, so if anything goes wrong while going up into space your scuppered. A more reliable way of sending things into space would be to use a kind of plane/rocket ship that flies through the atmosphere like a plane and then uses thrusters to propel it once it's left the atmosphere. NASA has considered this and had one in planning, but they never got round to making one, but if they did, the risk factor for each mission would be reduced drastically as well as making space travel allot easier and cheaper. In the end, rockets are needed for the time being, but they arn't the best solution to space exploration.

What kind of plane did they first build by the wright brothers?

a vi plane A silly plane

What kind of plane is the iron maiden plane?

Boeing 757

When a scientist designs a space probe to detect life on a distant planet what kind of things should measure?

Things like contents of atmosphere, heat, etc.