

What kind of quantity is distance?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What kind of quantity is distance?
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Is distance a vector or scalar quantity?

Distance is a sclar quantity. A scalar quantity is a magnitude only. A vector has magnitude and direction. Distance AND direction is a vector quantity.

Is distance a vector quantity?

AnswerNo, distance is not a vector quantity. It is a Scalar Quantity because it doesn't tell you the direction its going in, it just tells you the distance the object moved.False

Is distance a physical quantity?

Yes, it is a physical quantity (Fundamental)

Which is a scalar quantity a. displacement b. distance c. force d. acceleration?

b. distance is a scalar quantity.

Is the distance a vector or scalar quantity?

scalar direction is a vector quantity

Is distance a qualitative or quantitative variable?

'Distance' is quantitative, because it is a quantity.

What is difference between amplitude and displacement?

displacement is the vector quantity and the distance is scalar quantity, displacement is the shortest distance between two points.

What kind of quantity is speed an example of?

speed is a scalar quantity

What is the unit for displacement?

Displacement is measured in distance, so any measurement dealing with only distance will work. The SI units are meters.

What info do you need to define vector quantity?

You need the magnitude and the distance for defining the vector quantity

What is the difference between scalars and vectors using displacement and distance?

A scalar is a real quantity like distance and a vector is a vector quantity like displacement.Displacement is the product of a distance and a direction,Displacement =DistancexDirection.

What kind of quantity is the magnitude of a vector quantity?

The magnitude of a vector is a scalar.