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Q: What kind of questions school counselor's ask children and theirfamilies?
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Can you ask questions about people from school?

No, not really. At least not questions that refer to a specific person. You can ask general questions about school children.

Are there career training classes available for school counselors?

There are career training classes available for school counselors, usually within a school district. The counselor will probably have to pay for these classes themselves.

How helpful are school counselors when it comes to being depressed and other personal issues?

School counselors offer a variety of tips and support on solving personal issues.

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What is the entry level salary for school counselors in Ohio?

30,000 + 15,000

What courses would you take in college for a school counselor?

Most school counselors major in clinical psychology.

Why was Georgia funded?

The Georgia School Counselors Association represents, promotes, and there is increased funding for school counseling.

What did Neil postman when he said children go to school as questions marks and leave school as a period?

i dont know the answer...plzz help me guys

Where do I sign up for college grants and scholarships?

You can find college grants and scholarships but visting your counselors in your school. Most counselors can help you find the right grant and scholarships.

What are the best Professional Learning Communities for School Counselors?

Professional Learning Communities are groups of individuals committeed to the same ideas and beliefs and working on common goals in their professional careers. School Counselors adhere to the American School Counselor Association standards and due to their working conditions, are sometimes limited to professional development that helps them prepare for and work towards these goals. Having a Professional Learning Community or PLC helps counselors connect for advice and resources when opportunties around them are limited. With the internet, PLCs are closer and easier then ever to be a part of. Facebook and Twitter, as well as numerous school counseling blogs, have helped to connect counselors together. Some of the best communities found on Twitter are part of chats. If you have a twitter account, you can type in #scchat for school counselor chat, #esschat for elementary school counselor chat, or #sbmhchat for school based mental health chat. Each chat has a specific time that followers meet and can join in the discussion. Recent topics include "counselors and administrators working together" and "technology in your counseling program" to name just a few. Facebook has groups like High School Counselor Network or Caught in the Middle School Counselors, which are closed groups meaning only members can see and respond to the posts. How to questions, advise, and resources can be found being shared between counselors fom all over the world. Blogs have their place in PLCs too. A simple google search will help to discover a variety of school counseling blogs, all of which will have resources you can download and use.

what to do in online master degrees counseling?

Online Educational and School Counseling graduate Certificate programs prepare, by the very nature of the field, problem solvers. Graduates with a Certificate in educational and school counseling can enter careers as guidance counselors, school psychologists, grief counselors and more.

The Internet school counselors and workplace site visits are all sources of?

career information