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synthesis reaction

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Q: What kind of reaction shows two reactants combining to form one new product?
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What kind of reaction shows reactants combining to form one new product?

synthesis reaction

What kind of reactants shows two reactants combining to form one new product?

synthesis reaction

What kind of reaction shows two reactants combining to form one new profuct?

combination reaction

What does the arrow in the chemical reaction mean?

The arrow in a chemical reaction represents the direction of the reaction, indicating the transformation of reactants into products. It points from the reactant side to the product side, showing that the reactants are turning into products.

What shows the relationship between the reactants and products in a chemical reaction?

the coefficients of a balanced reaction

Reactants and products?

Reactants are the starting materials in a chemical reaction that undergo a change to form products, which are the end results of the reaction. Reactants are consumed during the reaction, while products are formed. The chemical equation of a reaction shows the reactants on the left side and the products on the right side.

What does the rate law use to determine the rate of reaction?

The rate of a reaction is calculated using the concentrations of reactants.

What equation shows conversation of mass?

The equation that shows conservation of mass is the mass of reactants equals the mass of products in a chemical reaction. This can be represented as: Mass of reactants = Mass of products.

An energy diagram shows the reactants having greater energy than the products illustrates what?

An exothermic reaction, where energy is released as the reaction proceeds.

what shows the possible of a single-replacement reaction?

An element is one of the reactants, and a compound is the other reactant.

What shows a chemical reaction in which hydrogen sulfide and oxygen are the reactants and sulfur and what are the products?

"Which" implies choices... Where are they??

How the diagram you have drawn shows that no mass is lost during the reaction?

Calculating the mass of reactants and products in a chemical reaction is a sufficient demonstration.