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Mostly caves and rock shelters.

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Cro-Magnon used a variety of shelters, including caves, overhanging cliffs, and temporary structures made from animal bones, hides, and wooden poles. They also used natural materials such as leaves and branches to construct shelters when needed. Their choice of shelter depended on factors such as season, location, and availability of resources.

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13y ago

Caves and rock shelters.

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Q: What kind of shelter did cro magnon use?
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Were Neanderthal man and Cro-magnon man alike or different?

Neanderthal man and Cro-magnon man were different species of hominids that coexisted for a period of time. They had some similarities in terms of tool use and possibly cultural behaviors, but had distinct physical characteristics such as skull shape, body structure, and size. Cro-magnon man eventually replaced Neanderthals in Europe.

What is one way that the lifestyle ofcro-magnons differed from the lifestyle of neanderthals?

Cro-Magnons were known for their advanced tool-making and artistic abilities, creating elaborate cave paintings and sculptures. Neanderthals, on the other hand, had a simpler tool-making technology and lacked evidence of symbolic art or sophisticated rituals.

What did Cro Magnon use as fuel for their fire?

Cro-Magnon likely used a variety of materials as fuel for their fires, including wood, bone, and possibly dried dung. They would have used whatever was readily available in their environment to keep their fires burning for warmth, cooking, and other purposes.

How much weight were Cro-Magnon male?

Cro-Magnon males had a similar body size and weight range as modern humans, averaging around 140-160 pounds. However, the exact weight can vary depending on factors such as diet, lifestyle, and individual genetics.

What did the cro-magnon use for shelter?

Cro-Magnons, who were early modern humans that lived during the Upper Paleolithic period, used a variety of shelters, including natural caves, rock shelters, and huts made of wood, stone, and animal skins. They also built tents using animal hides stretched over wooden frames. These shelters provided protection from the elements and a place to live and store food and other possessions.

Related questions

What kind of shelter did the cro-magnon use?

Mostly caves and rock shelters.

What kind of shelter did cro-magnon use?

Mostly caves and rock shelters.

What did Cro-Magnon use for shelter?

Cro-Magnon made there shelter with animals fur to make the house warm and tied sticks with sinew.

What did homme cro-magnon use as shelter?

Mostly caves and rock shelters.

How do you use cro-magnon in a sentence?

Cro-magnon were a type of early human. The cro-magnon man hunted for his meals.

What do cro-magnon use for shelter?

they lived in actual houses, but not like the modern ones today, but ones made from straws and stuff

What kind of metal is in a Cro-Magnon dagger?

Cro-Magnon did not use metals. They would have had weapons and tools made of stone, bone and wood. Most knives of any sort would have been made of stone such as flint.

What did cro magnon use as clothing?

Animal skins.

Was Cro-Magnon the first to use crude tools?

No. Neanderthals came before them, and used tools also.

What did cro magnons use for shelter?

Mostly caves.

What kind of tools and weapons did the Paleolithic era have?

cro-magnon use tools like blades, needles for sewing,and fishhooks for fishing.

Were Neanderthal man and Cro-magnon man alike or different?

Neanderthal man and Cro-magnon man were different species of hominids that coexisted for a period of time. They had some similarities in terms of tool use and possibly cultural behaviors, but had distinct physical characteristics such as skull shape, body structure, and size. Cro-magnon man eventually replaced Neanderthals in Europe.