

What kind of soccer ball do you need to play a game?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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As long as it's hexagonal like the rest, its okay. You can use a round ball like playground ball but if you want to play a real soccer game, then use the hexagonal balls. Dont use hard ball like basketballs. Also dont use balls that are not round like footballs. Use balls that are a reasonable size. No smaller than a hexagonal soccer ball. :D hope this helped

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Q: What kind of soccer ball do you need to play a game?
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A field. Markings on the field. Goals with nets (2). Corner flagposts (4). A ball. Officials and players bring their own equipment.

Is a soccer ball an object that moves?

no,because you need your movement to make the ball move and a soccer ball cannot move because it is a kinetic energy it needs force to move.

What equiptment do you need for soccer?

You really just need the ball to play. But if you want to play it like in the professional football leagues you will need soccer boots/cleats, shin guards, a team uniform and of course the ball.

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Why would you need to know. Are you going to go there and make some friends since you have none.

Why is there a continuing need for soccer?

Because it is amazing how your foot can control the ball.

What items you need to play soccer?

Shoes,Shin guards and a ball