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Q: What kind of soil do you use for a garden?
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Is it safe to use garden soil for frog tank?

depends on your definition of garden soil. if its black dirt from your garden yes. if its soil from a bag no. the bagged soil has fertilizer and other stuff in it that wouldn't be too good for a frog

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What is a garden soil?

Garden soil is the natural medium in which plants grow in the garden. It is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, and air that provides the necessary nutrients for plants to thrive. Good garden soil should be well-draining, rich in nutrients, and have the right pH level for the plants being grown.

Will plants use up all the soil in the garden?

No they will not use up all the soil but they will use up the nutrients from the soil. This is why fertilizing and soil amendment is important for healthy plant growth.

Garden soil and potato salad are two examples of what kind of mixtures?

heterogeneous mixture. because they are ununiform mixtures, you can see the different components of both the garden soil and potato salad.

Does peat moss soften garden soil?

Peat moss is not a soil softenering enabler. It is put on the bald spots of the lawn in order to hold the seed still so it will take root. If you desire to soften garden soil, use a garden lime product.

What kind of soil do you use on a bean plant?

brown soil

In what kind of soil will plants grow the most?

The moist soil will make the plants grow more than on the dry soil in the dirt of the garden

Can I use potting soil on plants in the ground?

Potting soil is a lighter mix than garden soil. Small amounts won't hurt.

What is the difference between garden soil and baked garden soil?

akash bhandari

What kind of sentence should you use with top soil in it?

I manhandled the whole nine yards of top soil into the rose garden all by myself. Are there more than one variety of top soil available for delivery? I would like to have six cubic yards of top soil delivered tomorrow if possible, please.

What is hand fork?

the use of hand fork is to cultivate the soil on your garden plot .. :)) XD ..