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This question is impossible to answer as there are 170 genera and 2,999 species of spider.

Spiders belong to the phylum Arthripoda, subphylum Chelicetera and class of Arachnida.

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Q: What kind of species is a spider?
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Is a spider a species?

No, the spider is a "genus", a "money" spider is a species of spider hope this helps

What kind of spider has thin black legs with hair and a brown abdomen?

That description of a spider can relate to hundreds of species of spider. Sorry, there, but its a bit too vague.

This spider had a long black butt and it was a light brown spider what kind of spider is it?

It is almost impossible to tell for certain what kind of spider a given specimen is simply by its appearance. In this case, you can rule out many species of spiders, but additional information such as size and web type would be key in its identification.

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How many days does it take for a spider to reach full height?

That depends on the kind of spider, seeing as different species develop at different times. Sorry I can't be more help then that. :(

What kind of spider has a black body and black legs with white stripes and is found in the u.k.?

I suggest it's a Zebra spider; a species of jumping spider. See the link I've attached below in the related links section.

Is a spider an indoor spider?

It depends on what species for example a tarantula is in indoor spider and a grass spider is an out door spider!

What species of spider is the most deadly?

the Brazilian wandering spider

What species is a spider?

Spiders are arachnids species

What kind of spider is mostly black with orange legs and orange edge around its body and is found in South Africa?

A black spider with orange legs is called a Spotted Ground Spider. There are 60 different species to this group of spiders.

What is the common name and scientific name of spider?

The common name for spiders is simply "spider." The scientific name for spiders is "Araneae."

You believe you have found either a new spider species or a crossbred spider what do you do?

you first preserve the spider or rap it then you call some entomoligist to see if its a new or crossbred species