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I have read a few books and they all say that the big red storm is a hurricane.

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Q: What kind of storm is the big red storm on Jupiter?
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Where is the big red dot on Jupiter?

The big red dot is a storm.

What is the big red dot on Jupiter?

The big red dot on Jupiter is a massive storm known as the Great Red Spot. It has been raging for at least 350 years and is larger than Earth. The spot's exact cause is still not completely understood by scientists.

What is the big red dot on Jupiter's surface?

It is a storm

What made that big red spot on Jupiter?

it is a storm that is always happening in jupiter

Red spot on Jupiter is?

A vey big wind storm

What is the big red spot in the middle of Jupiter?

A giant storm.

What is Jupiter's great red spot believe to be?

a big forever storm

Is it very stormy or calm weather on Jupiter?

It is very stormy on Jupiter! Did you know the "Big Red Dot" on Jupiter is actually a big giant storm!

What planet is famous for its big red spot on it?

Jupiter is the planet famous for its big red spot, which is a massive storm system that has been raging for at least 400 years.

What is that big dot on Jupiter?

great red spot hurricane like storm

Do Jupiter have a lot of storms?

Yes the big red dot that is famous is just a storm

What is the landscape of Jupiter made up of?

Gas. Jupiter is a gas giant, but it does have the Big Red Spot, which is a massive wind storm.