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An element is a substance made up of only one type of atom with specific chemical and physical properties. It cannot be broken down further by chemical reactions.

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an element

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Q: What kind of substance is made up of only one type of matter and has definite properties?
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What kind of substance is made of only one kind of matter and has definite properties?


A substance made of only one kind of matter and having definite properties is called an?

pure substace

What is the definicion of substance?

Substance refers to a particular kind of matter with uniform properties, such as an element or compound. It is a fundamental concept in chemistry and is often categorized as either a pure substance or a mixture.

What is a substance that is made of only one kind of matter and has adefinite properties?

A pure substance

What is a single kind of matter that is pure and has a specific set of properties?

An element is a single kind of matter that is pure and has a specific set of properties. Each element is characterized by a unique number of protons in its nucleus, known as its atomic number, which determines its chemical behavior and physical properties.

What is a single kind of matter that is pure and has a specific makeup and specific properties?


A simple form of matter that has unique chemical properties is a?

An atom is a simple form of matter that has unique chemical properties. Atoms are the basic building blocks of all substances and are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons which determine their chemical behavior. Each atom has a specific number of protons in its nucleus, which defines its chemical identity.

A single kind of matter that has distinct physical and chemical properties is called?

it is called a pure substance

What kind of state of matter has a definite volume but no definite shape?

Matter in a liquid form.

What kind of substance has no definite shape and volume?

a gas

What kind of substance has no definite shape?

Liquid and gases

What is a chemical reaction and how are reactants and products involved?

A chemical reaction is a change in which one kind of matter changes into a different kind of matter with different properties. Reactant is a substance used in a chemical reaction and a product is a substance made in a chemical reaction. Hope this is helpful! ;)