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Q: What kind of symmetry does a Christmas tree worm have?
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What are christmas tree worm-?

Christmas tree worms are tube-building polychaete worms. They are Spirobranchus giganteus, part of the Serpulidae family.

Is the Christmas tree worm a consumer producer or decompozer?

in the shark

Is the Christmas tree worm at risk of extinction?

Obviously yes. Who doesn't know that

Does a worm have radial symmetry?

no, they have bilateral symmetry

How many Christmas tree worm in the world?

they multiply every year. u count them

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Bilateral Symmetry

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The symmetry of an earthworm is bilateral symmetry, which means only one line of symmetry

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Where Christmas tree worms live?

well the Christmas Tree worm has two large appendages also known as tentacles or gills These appendages filter out the phytoplankton in the water and send it down the spirals into their mouth. These also look like Christmas trees where the worm got its name............This worm is actually a tube worm which means a marine worm built a tube around itself! These worms don't live in huge groups and hide in their coral burrows with the slightest shadow or touch. They only live to be ten and can grow to 4cm in length......... Thanks hope this helps.

What are three kinds of annelid worms?

Annelid is just the Phylum. There are actually 17,000 different species in this one phylum! Three different worms could be: The Tape Worm, The Segmented Worm, and the Christmas Tree Worm.

What are the 3 types of symmetry?

Bilateral Symmetry - Right down an animal (Worm or fish)Radial Symmetry - Symmetry like a circle (E.g - Starfish)Asymmetrical - No symmetry

What are the 3 types of animation?

Bilateral Symmetry - Right down an animal (Worm or fish)Radial Symmetry - Symmetry like a circle (E.g - Starfish)Asymmetrical - No symmetry