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all telescopes use a mirror.

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Q: What kind of telescope uses a mirrio?
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What is a catadioprtic telescope?

It is a telescope that uses lenses and mirrors.

What kind of telescope uses a single large parabolic mirror to gather and focus starlight?

A single-mirror reflector.

What type of telescope uses lenses or mirror to gather and focus energy?

the reflecting telescope uses mirrors and lenses. The refracting telescope does not include the mirrors.

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What type of telescope uses lenses or mirrors to gather focus light energy?

the reflecting telescope uses mirrors and lenses. The refracting telescope does not include the mirrors.

Is the difference between a refracting telescope and a reflecting telescope?

A reflecting telescope uses mirrors while refracting telescopes uses lens. The refracting telescope also had chromatic aberration and bad resolution while the reflecting telescope had none of these.

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A telescope that uses a system of lenses to produce an image?

Reflecting Telescope

Which type of telescope uses a mirror to gather light?

A reflecting telescope.

What kind of telescope in seeing far stars in the sky?

Any kind of telescope will help

What kind of telescope did Galileo invent?

Refracting telescope

What is a reflector telescope?

It's a telescope,that uses reflectors for you to see the objective ;D.