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Q: What kind of ulcers are not caused by bacteria?
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Peptic ulcers may be caused by hyperacidity or the pathogen?

Peptic ulcers can be caused by hyperacidity or by the bacteria H. pylori.

Can stomach ulcers be hereditary?

No, Stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria. A course of antibiotics will cure the problem.

Can sunburns cause peptic ulcers?

I don't think so. Ulcers are generally caused by the bacteria H. pylori.

How peoples ideas have changed about stomach ulcers?

A survey carried out in America in 1995 showed that: 90% of people with ulcers blamed them on stress. 60% of people with ulcers blamed them on food. Two years latter anther survey showed that: 60% of people thought that stress caused ulcers. 17% of people thought spicy foods caused ulcers and 27% of people thought that bacteria caused ulcers.

How can we avoid ulcers?

Stomach ulcers are caused by helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach lining. You can't entirely avoid getting these ulcers, but antibiotics can kill the bacteria causing them and they then usually heal rapidly.

Can being overweight cause stomach ulcers?

it can, even if your too skinny Another answer: Most stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria and can be treated by antibiotics. They have nothing to do with your weight.

Can Ulcers Be Fatal?

If the stomach ulcer is left untreated it can start bleeding which can lead to death. You must also watch out that stomach ulcers can become cancerous. They can alson be caused by tablets or bacteria. They are not caused by stress as previously believed.

Is stomach ulcer caused by microbe?

no.Stomach ulcer is the result of acid from the stomach entering the duodenum. This is usually caused by the microbacteria Helicobacter Pylori. Stress can increase the likelyhood of a stomach ulcer.

Why don't most other types of bacteria produce ulcers?

Why dont most other types of bacteria produce ulcers?

Most gastric ulcers are caused by the bacterium called what?

H. pylori is the bacteria associated with peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.

Are ulcers caused by the flu?

No I learned about them in science. It is caused by an eating disorder if you have ulcers go to your doctor immediately.

what does Ulcers look like?

hey there an stomach ulcer looks like this and is mostly caused by a bacteria called h. plyori or something like that here it is