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Q: What kind of water do plants need?
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What kind of plant food do plants need?

Plants need the cycle of photosythesis.... Sunlight, Water and Carbon Dioxide.

Why does milk make plants die?

Because milk is not the right kind of nutrient for plants they need water.

What kind of animals and plants now live on surtsey?

The kind of animals and plants that live on Surtsey are those that need a lot of water. They include turtles and penguins.

What do plants rely on?

Water and most plants NEED soil but not all. It depends upon what kind of plant, but, in general, water, air, minerals, light, warmth.

What kind of water for plants?

What kind of plants compete for water? Its depends where that plant is growing, If it is growing next to a tree or An animals habitat they will not get the amount of water they need. But if there by its self in a little area and has good soil then it will grow all good.

Why do you need to water plants?

Plants need water; in fact, all living beings need water.

Do you need water to grow plants?

Plants need water to make glucose. Glucose is a sugary substance that plants make. Glucose is the food that plants need to live. So yes, plants do need water.

What kind of cell is found in a vacuole?

Central vacuoles are often found in plant cells. Plants need lots of water, and plants store water, so they have a large vacuole.

Do yellow plants need water?

All plants need water, regardless of color.

Why plants need sunlight and water?

plants need sunlight and water to conduct photosynthesis, which is how plants make energy.

Do plants need warm or cold water to surive?

plants need cold water to survive

What kind of plant can you buy at home depot that grows in the dark and in the sun?

Plants need Water And Sunlight to grow So plants can only grow in Day