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cool weather

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Q: What kind of weather is likely to occur if warm air masses move over a cold air mass?
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What is least likely to occur when a warm and cold front MEET?

Calm weather is LEAST likely to occur

When a cold weather system meets a warm weather system what will mostly occur?

The result will most likely be a frontal low.

Which type of front seems to bring the possibility of more severe weather?

Severe weather is most likely to occur along a cold front.

What kinds of extreme weather occur often in the great plains?

because the region's continental climate creates an environment of extremes.

Where do depressions occur?

Depressions occur in regions where warm air masses meet cold air masses, creating a low-pressure system. This typically happens along the boundaries of large air masses, such as in the mid-latitudes. Depressions can bring stormy weather, including rain, strong winds, and sometimes thunderstorms.

Changes in Weather patterns are often cause by movement of?

Weather is determined by the movement of masses in the atmosphere. There are cold and hot air masses, and depending on the season and other factors determines the weather.

In the weather map above most of the severe thunderstorms are likely to occur as a front pushes through the central part of the U.S.?


Where do both warm and cold weather occur?

they occur at stationary fronts

What are the causes of changes in the weather?

the thing that causes it is that masses of air would stay and change the weather of that specific weather

When does a front occur?

Cold fronts occur when masses of cold air with varying temperatures collide. When this occurs, it results in the warm air rising and being replaced with the cold air.

A Cold air mass and a warm air mass are predicted to meet. What type of weather can be expected between the two air masses?

stormy weather ... hehehehe

Why do many natural hazards occur in the Great Plains?

When cold air masses from the north meet warm moist air masses from the south, violent storms can occur.