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Precipitation which means rain, Clouds, Low Temperatures.

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Cloud and rain

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Q: What kind of weather probably goes along with low air pressure?
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What kind of weather goes with low air pressure?

Cold, precipitation, windy and yucky :P

How does the hole in the ozone layer cycle with the seasons?

it adapts 2 the seasons and goes along with the weather

Why do a weather balloon keep increasing in volume as it rises through the stratosphere?

As it goes higher, the atmospheric pressure decreases.

You sense pain or build pressure in your years when an airplane flight takes of or descends?

That's an effect of the increase and decrease in pressure which goes along with the altitude change.

1989 Chevy S-10 in cold weather shows is good oil pressure while driving but when the motor idles the pressure goes down and chech gauge lights up?

Your oil pump is probably finished. If you have recently changed the oil, it's definitely finished. Oil becomes less viscous when it heats up and your oil pressure drops because the pump can no longer regulate the pressure.

What is the air pressure is like at higher altitudes?

If this is about weather, then high pressure is usually related to fine and warm weather. If this is about engineering, then anything goes. When air is compressed, it gets hot, but eventually it'll cool off and then you'll have high pressure and low temperature.

When weather gets colder the air pressure usally goes up Why does this happpen?

it goes up because it just does you go up in the sky and check no one else wants to except for some people like this

What does this mean 'weather permitting'?

it means if the weather goes as it is planned

Should fuel pressure drop when cranking over car?

no that probably means ur oil pump is out or goin out and if it goes back up when u turn the car on its probably ok

What causes some days to be windier than others?

The difference in pressure causes the wind to blow. When a difference in pressure happens, the air goes from higher to lower pressure. Simply, a day may be windier than another because of the current weather. It could be brought about by a storm, a pressure area, or a front.

What is wrong if the brake light goes on while driving in a 1999 Monte Carlo in below zero weather?

Probably needs brake fluid, normal as pads wear down. Level decreases slightly in cold weather.