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Q: What kind of weathering causes a mailbox to rust?
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Chemical weathering on metal causes what?

"Rust" or "corrosion."

What type of weathering causes rust?

It is called Oxydation

What chemical weathering called oxidation causes?

Rust -Jeff

What type of weathering makes iron change colors?

oxidation causes iron to change color. oxidation causes rust.

How does oxygen causes chemical weathering?

iron combines with oxygen in the presence of water in a process called oxidation. the product of oxidation is rust. rock that contains iron also oxidizes, or rust. rust makes rock soft and crumbly and gives it a red or brown color.

How does groundwater cause chemical weathering?

Groundwater causes chemical weathering by speeding reactions between reactive materials. Typical would be an oxidizing reaction, such as the formation of rust in rocks containing iron, or the dissolution of limestone by carbonic acid.

The rust colored tint of some desert landscapes is the result of?

The result of the rust colored tint of desert landscapes are to show chemical weathering. This is shown on a map.

Rust is what type of weathering?

Rust is chemical weathering. It occurs when oxygen from the air reacts with a metal, typically with iron. This chemical reaction is called oxydation, and the product is what gives rust its reddish color.

What form of weathering occurs when earth materials react with oxygen in the air?

oxidize/rust, but mostly rust.

What does the chemical weathering called oxidation cause?

Rust. Corrosion.

What can cause iron to rust and go through chemical weathering?


What type weathering produces rust?

rain and any type of precipitation