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Q: What kind of weathering will it cause when building a mine underground?
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How can biological weathering cause problems?

Weathering of any kind can sometimes cause problems, like erosion of topsoil. Biological weathering, where the weathering is caused by living things (plants and animals), can cause the same kinds of problems.

What kind of weathering do acids and oxygen cause?

It reacts with The minerals in The rocks, such as in feldspar.

How does a gopher cause weathering?

Gophers cause physical weathering. They dig burrows in the ground, allowing more rock to be exposed.

What kind of weathering is frost weathering?

Physical weathering

What Are two kind of weathering?

The 2 kinds of weathering are the Mechanical or Physical Weathering and the Mechanical Weathering.

What kind of weathering is a cracked rock?

It is water weathering

What kind of weathering causes iron?

physical weathering

What kind of weathering is frost action?

Physical weathering

What kind of mechanical weathering its a chilly?

chemical weathering

Is physical weathering destructive?

yes it does depend on what kind but it can cause land slides on hills and can causes houses to fall

Acid precipitation is an agent of what kind of weathering?

Chemical weathering.

What kind of weathering is acid precipitation an agent of?

Chemical weathering.