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Why the hell does it matter!?!??!?!?! He was a great man, showmen, and wrestler. And by the way he did not take steriods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: What kind of weight pulley machine did Chris Benoit use to hang himself?
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Are there any pics of the chris benoit crime scene?

yes but i haven't seen any with the bodies just the surrounding area like rooms and pics of the weight machine but not with benoit or his family

Is a trampoline a pulley?

some are but not all "Sir Legna Added" No, trampolines are more like a spring machine due to there reactions. A pulley is more used for lifting weight.

How chris benoit dead?

why chris beniot murder his wife and son and hang himself in his basement and his weight room i need to watch the death video

Does weight affect a pulley?

Yes, weight has a huge effect on a pulley system. The amount of weight being moved or lifted directly affects how well the pulley works, and too much weight can break it altogether. Weight is also the main leverage in a pulley system.

What is the formula for pulley?

the frmula for pulley is th weight by its mass

What pulley can lift weight with the least amount of force?

Pulley X

Which wrestler killed himself and his wife?

The Man"s name was Benoit- which he pronounced almost to rhyme with ( Peignoir). Circumstances are muddy, but when it was all over he murdered his wife and child and then killed himself by using cables and weights from a weight-training machine. The child had apparently developed Autism. It happened a few years ago.- You might be thinking of the Goebbels tragedy as you have entered under Germany in World War II.

How are the double pulley systems different?

Double pulley systems are different from the one pulley system because the weight is now attacked to a pulley instead of an anchor. Another pulley is used to take some of the weight. A two pulley system only requires half the effort as a single pulley system.

How much effort is needed to lift a 75 N weight using the pulley system?

If you are talking about a simple pulley with the pulley attached and load rope attached to the object then you will need a little more than 75N of force. Lifting an object (at a constant velocity) requires a force equal but opposite the weight of the object. With any simple machine you will need to do more work to overcome friction. If you were to use a single pulley with the pulley attached to the object then you will need a little more than 37.5 N. If you were to use a multiple pulley system then you would need to know the mechanical advantage of the pulley system.

What are some example sentences for 'pulley'?

A pulley is used to move a heavy weight. You can use a pulley to lift something that you can't lift alone.

How thus a pulley work?

Unlike the tart who said that this was a stupid question, I think there is no such thing as a stupid question. A pulley is a simple machine that works by diverting the force to another direction. Part of the force acts down on the pulley (The weal part) while the other acts up on the hanging mass (or the load you're carrying). Another part of the weight goes to the very center of the pulley as gravity.

How much weight can a pulley pull?

As much as you want it to